By Jill Harlow – Loveland, Colorado … Campion Academy’s campus has remained open, and the administration has a plan to return to in-person classes on November 1 after a COVID outbreak put more than 50 students and staff in quarantine.
Many of those quarantined were considered close contacts but have not contracted the virus. Students and staff who have tested positive are reporting that they are recovering well, and none have required hospital care.
All classes met online for the past week, and students were given the option to return home or remain on campus. Students who were not placed in quarantine could still dine in the cafeteria, use the campus facilities for recreation, and attend the Week of Prayer meetings in person.
By Jodie Aakko, Brooklyn Hill, Kierstin Syvertson, James Adams, and Caleb Fish – Brighton, Colorado … Brighton Adventist Academy (BAA) completed its first quarter of in-person education for the school year. To celebrate, the staff and students planned and participated in three jubilant events. |
By Gwyn Reeves – Loveland, Colorado … Campion Academy senior Chase Bright rode his dirt bike masterfully and claimed first place at the Rocky Mountain Enduro Circuit (RMEC) Championship on October 24. He managed to earn the most points over the season, crowning him the champion of the circuit. |
By Rajmund Dabrowski … “Christ will come. It will happen,” writes Reinder Bruinsma, expressing a conviction in his latest and well-presented book, He comes.
Among the topics dear to all Seventh-day Adventists, the Second Coming of Christ stands out above others. When a few days ago, I received Bruinsma’s latest book, He comes [Autumn House Publications (Europe) Ltd., 2021], the very fact took my memory to a 1976 book I wrote, At the world’s end. |
RMCNews … The nation and the world are divided when it comes to the health crisis called COVID. The nearly two years of living with this disease that has claimed many lives, left children orphans, wrecked financial status, and cost countless jobs, have left us divided. Is there even a middle-of-the-road when it comes to this situation?
It is essential to distinguish the pandemic as a health issue, and not a spiritual one.
RMCNews with Nathan Cranson – Montrose, Colorado … The Montrose church has been praying continuously over the last month for God to shine a light on the Montrose community and bring the seeking to their seminar on the messages of the three angels.
The prayers were answered when the series opened, and 85 were in attendance, 49 from the community.
Based on Mark Finley’s “Three Cosmic Messages” seminar, the series began on a date that will live in infamy for Adventists–October 22.
RMCNews with Jill Bales – Cedaredge, Colorado … Cedaredge Seventh-day Adventist Church set up a booth right on the corner of the church property during AppleFest in Cedaredge, Colorado during the first weekend of October. The event usually draws thousands of people each year, according to a Cedaredge Adventist Church report. KSYF Radio joined the church at the booth. |
RMCNews with Union College News – Lincoln, Nebraska … Students from 14 Adventist academies from four union conferences arrived on the campus of Union College in Lincoln, Nebraska for an opportunity to fellowship, make new friends, and compete against each other at the annual fall soccer and volleyball tournament. |
By Jon Roberts … This Sunday, most Americans will be taking several hours as a family to celebrate Halloween. Many Christians will also take time to celebrate a “watered down” version of this event, like trick or treating, with no decorations in the yard. Make no mistake Halloween, no matter how some might want to downplay it as fun, is the Devil’s holiday. From ghosts to goblins to trick or treating, this holiday makes the devil and dentists happy and joyful! |
Adventist News Network – Silver Spring, Maryland … This document has been produced by the General Conference Administration, Biblical Research Institute, General Conference Health Ministries, Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Department, General Conference Office of General Counsel, and Loma Linda University Health. It builds on the immunization statement voted in April 2015 and affirms both this latter statement, and the information on the COVID-19 vaccines shared on December 22, 2020. |