God's Will for Your Life

Hello All,

(Just a general disclaimer that I must insert here at the beginning. I am but a lay person, like most of you. And these weekly “thoughts” are but my own. Not the definitive word on this or any topic. Just my own conclusions derived from my own study and faith in God. The greatest hope I have for these weekly “thoughts” is to have them be a springboard for further study on your part. Not to be a weekly treatise to be blindly accepted. So, please read them with this intent, this motive in mind).

This week’s lesson from “The Adult Sabbath School Guide” is titled “The Choices We Make”. A good study on the importance of good choices and how to make them. As I read this lesson, I was reminded of a book by our beloved Morris Venden published in 1987 titled, “How to Know God’s Will in Your Life”. A helpful treatise on this topic written in Pastor Venden’s inimitable style. So for this week’s “thought”, I will quote part of the introduction to this book as he briefly defines each of the eight (8) steps to take to know God’s will in your life. The following in italics is all from the introduction of that book:

  1. No will of your own on the given matter. Your own will is in neutral. This does not mean you will have no preference, but that you are willing to go in whatever way God directs. This is only possible for one who is involved in daily fellowship with God, for we cannot bring ourselves to surrender. God must do that for us. Jesus’ example in this is recorded in Matthew 26: 39 and John 4:34.
  2. Don’t go simply by feeling. In fact, you don’t go by any one single step. It is the combination of all eight of them together that is significant. But often there is the temptation to make your decision on the basis of feelings, so this is a warning. Don’t do it! Although the Holy Spirit often leads through impressions upon the heart (see Isaiah 30:21), we should never make a decision on the basis of feelings alone.
  3. Study God’s Word to see what is revealed that may give direction on the present decision. God always guides us through His Word, never contrary to it. See Psalms 119:105. There may not be specific information on your particular decision, although there are often principles that apply. But you can always go to the Word for information.
  4. Consider providential circumstances. “Thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God led thee” Deuteronomy 8:2. Look at God’s leading in the past and see how the current decision might fit into a pattern that has already been developing.
  5. Consult with Godly friends. This is the step that I added to Mueller’s list. It’s found in Proverbs 11:14 and Psalm 1:1. Don’t consult your ungodly friends! And once again, don’t make your entire decision based on what your friends say. But put their counsel into your portfolio to help you come to a decision.
  6. Ask God, in prayer, to reveal His will to you concerning the decision you are going to make. See James 1:5.
  7. Make a decision! On the basis of what has gone before, in the first six steps, make a decision. Don’t wait for a sign or a bolt of lightning from heaven. Consider prayerfully the weight of evidence, and decide. And tell God what your decision is.
  8. Proceed with your decision, inviting God to stop you if you have missed your signals. Then be sensitive to the swinging doors. God knows how to open and close doors. At times, you may find the door slammed in your face. I’ve had it happen on occasions! And it’s usually because I’ve missed it on step one. But even the apostle Paul found doors closing in his face at times. You can read about it in Acts 16: 6-9.

Those are the steps, and for those of us who have used them over the years in making decisions and in seeking to know God’s will in those decisions, we have found that they are extremely helpful.

God has a will. He is interested in guiding you in the decisions of your life. He has a plan for you, and your greatest happiness will be found in following that plan. If it is His will for you to go to Nineveh, it will not be equally satisfactory for you to head for Tarshish. God knows what is best for you and bring the greatest blessing to others, and He is willing to make His will known to those who are willing to listen”.

With brotherly love, Jim