
Hello All,

(Just a general disclaimer that I must insert here at the beginning. I am but a lay person, like most of you. And these weekly “thoughts” are but my own. Not the definitive word on this or any topic. Just my own conclusions derived from my own study and faith in God. The greatest hope I have for these weekly “thoughts” is to have them be a springboard for further study on your part. Not to be a weekly treatise to be blindly accepted. So, please read them with this intent, this motive in mind).


This week’s lesson from “The Adult Sabbath School Guide” is titled “Waging Love”. And in this title we see our marching orders for the family of God. Not waging war (the word “war” is derived from the Greek word from which we also get “politics”). But loving. And hence the focus on Tuesday’s, Wednesday’s, and Thursday’s lessons on “fasting”. A true “fast” is not depriving yourself of something for your own selfish gratification. It is the extending of yourself for the good of others. An act of “waging love”. But there is a hidden element of this “waging love” that we can often miss. The only way we can do this (truly “fast”), is if the warring issues in our own hearts and minds have been overcome, been brought to completion, by the over-abounding love of our Father.

In so, so many ways, we sinners are broken people. Every one. Broken from sin. Sin that has been done to us and sin we’ve done to ourselves. Sin has cut us, bludgeoned us, gloated over us and left us for dead. We have no strength nor will to even lift ourselves up from our bed of death to take care of ourselves, let alone truly care for others. And this is why our Father-God comes to us. Comes to us where we are. Comes and speaks words of forgiveness, comfort, everlasting love and eternal assurance to our wounded minds and hearts. But not speaking words only, but demonstrating those words in His Life. The everlasting gift of His Son, the “Word”, to us. A gift so complete, that we see the very beating we’ve experienced, carried by our God, with us. We see the cuts, the bludgeoning that we’ve experienced, carried by our God of love, with us. We see the devastating wounds of all that sin has done (and still is being done) carried by our Father-God and our Brother-God along with us. So that His bearing it all with us, along with us, is a healing balm to our souls. Our Father, our Brother, our God carries us! Is ever and always with us! And He carries that sin where it resides and does its deadly damage. In our hearts and minds.  How much more assurance, love, and comfort can He give?

But let us not ever think we are innocent victims here. The sin that has done the damage in us, is our sin. The self-centeredness and loveless-ness that we are. We are the perpetrator. We are the one who damages, and the one who is damaged. Therefore, the healing needed involves more than just soothing words and calming assurance. The healing needed involves a surrender. A clarion call to see ourselves as we are, “wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked” (Revelation 3:17). And to see Him carrying it all with us. This leads us to:

·         confess it all to our Father = which is no more than admitting the truth. The whole sordid mess of who we really are. Let Him show you the bloody mess that you are. How you’ve beaten yourself… and beaten others, too. And admit that it is all true… it is all you. “Yes, I am rotten through and through. And I have hurt others just as I have hurt myself. I confess it all to you, my Father and my God”.

·         die to it all with Him = let Him take you as you are into His mighty arms of love and forgiveness. Allow Him to love-away the pain, the shame, the brokenness, the pride and the arrogance. Let His love that has been always bearing us and our sin, draw you in. Bring you deep into His love for you, as you are. Which will lead you to finally give-up. Give-up on your own self-promoting ideas and let it all go. Lead you to consent to die with Him in His mighty other-centered love. To cry and cry… and die… with Him.

·         follow Him in His life of love to others = when the tears are dried, and the storm has been spent. When your giving-up is complete, look-up into the loving eyes of our Father and allow Him to guide you into the Divine adventure of love for others. To follow Him in His motivation of extreme love. To find your true self in this following. To be able to finally “wage love” for the rescue of our brothers and sisters everywhere. This is our true calling. This is our true selves.

With brotherly love to you all,
