
Hello All,                                                 

(Just a general disclaimer that I must insert here at the beginning. I am but a lay person, like most of you. And these weekly “thoughts” are but my own. Not the definitive word on this or any topic. Just my own conclusions derived from my own study and faith in God. The greatest hope I have for these weekly “thoughts” is to have them be a springboard for further study on your part. Not to be a weekly treatise to be blindly accepted. So, please read them with this intent, this motive in mind).


This week’s lesson from “The Adult Sabbath School Guide” is titled “Sabbath: Experiencing and Living the Character of God”. I’m so glad that the quarterly draws our attention to Isaiah 58. The author of the book (Isaiah) makes a direct connection between a proper “fast” and the Sabbath. That a proper “fast” is not mere abstinence (a time of restricting certain routine functions in order to be more in-tuned with our Holy God), but a profligate out-pouring of love for others (which puts us squarely in-tuned with our Holy God). And so with the Sabbath, too. The restrictions on “work” in the Commandment is to give us time to properly worship God by our actions… by our outpouring of love… not by mere inactivity. The prohibition from work is not meant to be indulged for selfish reasons or to rest-up so that we can resume our work on the other 6 days. The Sabbath (and fasting) has largely been misunderstood by us sinners for… well… since the very beginning. We interpret the Sabbath (and everything else God has given and done) in largely self-centered terms.


God is magnanimous, large, giving, outpouring Himself for others. Some of Jesus’ greatest miracles were done on the Sabbath. In order to show us the true meaning and intent of the Sabbath. God created the Sabbath for us to be close to Him and His creation. To take a seventh part of each week to be especially close to Him and His creation. And the highest and best part of creation is His children. Children who are sinners to be sure. Vile, murderous, self-centered sinners just like you and me. On the Sabbath we are to be with God and His creation in a special way on this special day. Be with our brothers and sisters and to bless them with our presence, even as God blesses them (and us) with His presence.


I fear that we have modeled the Sabbath-day activities somewhat after “Babylon”. Especially as a “me” focused day… me and my sweet Jesus. This is important. But where is our God on the Sabbath Day? He was severely questioned about healing on the Sabbath. “For this reason the Jews persecuted Jesus, and sought to kill Him, because He had done these things on the Sabbath. But Jesus answered them, ‘My Father has been working until now, and I have been working’” (John 5: 16-17). Meaning, Jesus and the Father do such work on the Sabbath… since the beginning of time, all the time, every day of the week and every moment of every day. Else we all would be dead on a dead planet. So if you want to be with the Father on the Sabbath, you need to be where He is. Where is He on the Sabbath? Especially with “the poor, the maimed, the lame, (and) the blind” (Luke 14: 13). That’s where God especially is. Just as when He was a Man among men.


As we study this week, let us look intently and dig deeply to uncover the precious truths God has for us and for all mankind. Let us not allow others to think and decide for us. Or let some tradition determine for us. Let us become convicted and convinced ourselves in our own hearts and minds. So that we, too, will follow wherever God leads, wherever Truth leads. Let us not just think deep thoughts about God, but come alongside God to be yoked to Him in loving service to our brothers and sisters. Exercising those deep thoughts and putting them in action. This is the “one-ness” He calls us to, the only “rest” He has to offer. Do we want to be “one” with Christ, “one” with the Father? Do we want Christ’s rest, Sabbath rest, Godly rest? Then take-up the loving field of service you find yourself in. Looking to self we lose our identity. Looking to others to bless them, we find ourselves. Seeking to save our lives, we lose our life. Giving our lives to bless others, we find our life.  A paradox to sinful man. A sublime truth to all of Heaven.


With brotherly love,
