Hello All,
(Just a general disclaimer that I must insert here at the beginning. I am but a lay person, like most of you. And these weekly “thoughts” are but my own. Not the definitive word on this or any topic. Just my own conclusions derived from my own study and faith in God. The greatest hope I have for these weekly “thoughts” is to have them be a springboard for further study on your part. Not to be a weekly treatise to be blindly accepted. So, please read them with this intent, this motive in mind).
This week’s lesson from “The Adult Sabbath School Guide” is titled “Jesus as the Master Teacher”. Have you noticed that Jesus so often says the strangest things? Statements that seem out-of-place? Statements that seem to disregard what others have said or asked or seem unrelated to what’s going-on? But upon reflection, they are actually addressing the hidden, unspoken issues in the hearts of His listeners and not what is happening (or said) on the surface. Unspoken issues swirling unseen around His every interchange. So in reality, Jesus was actually speaking to what was really and truly going-on. He was desirous to get to the real issues at stake. Issues of the heart. Issues of life and death. Issues of eternal consequence. He did not toy with people, or pander to their whims. Instead, He was so often direct and to the point. He spoke the language of their heart… to their heart.
As Christ’s followers, we are to be His representatives. Just as Christ was the Father’s representative. Therefore, the “teaching” we are to do is to be like His, too. We are to “see” the unseen in people. To “see” the inner person. To “see” the inner need, the inner voice, the real heart of the issue, not the superficial surface. Hence, the desperate need for each redeemed sinner, for you and I, is for the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Of ourselves, we will blunder into people’s inner lives, their secret places. We will misunderstand, misapply, misspeak and misrepresent our God. In order to follow our Lord, we must… MUST… be full of… true love. Love that comes only from a relationship with our God of love. Love that really “sees” the “other”. It is the longing of every heart… to know and be known… to love and be loved. And it is to the inner heart of others that we must speak, we must act, we must teach. Love that is inspired and nurtured by the Holy Spirit.
One other thought on the “Master Teacher”. Because in the beginning“…He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast” (Psalms 33: 9), we can be tempted to think that God’s word never fails. That it always accomplishes its purpose. But not so. It may be so with His insensible and unthinking creation. But not so when it comes to His created sentient creatures. God may speak to us, even command us, but we have the power to disregard and disobey. We have the power to walk away. Just like the “rich, young ruler”. God will not compel us against our choice, our will. When it comes to love, people are free to cast aside, disregard and reject love.
With teaching as well, people are free to walk away. So we are not ever to believe that if we could but find the right words to say, we could create a world-wide revival. Not so. God Himself could not command or compel this. He cannot make this happen (think of the “flood”). All God can do is persuade. And He does this, one at a time. One person at a time. Few souls for the Kingdom are won “en masse”. They are won individually.
So we, too, must remember ever to use His methods. We, too, must not resort to language that is combative or argumentative. We must persuade. Always remembering “that it is the goodness of God (that) leads you to repentance” (Romans 2:4). It is God’s method… and to be ours, too. Words, actions, teaching that is good, not harsh. And to remember to connect with each person as an individual. As a child of God, unique, with an inherent God-like image. If we are to teach like the “Master Teacher” we must learn of Him. And follow Him. It is the only way.
With brotherly love,