Hello All,
(Just a general disclaimer that I must insert here at the beginning. I am but a lay person, like most of you. And these weekly “thoughts” are but my own. Not the definitive word on this or any topic. Just my own conclusions derived from my own study and faith in God. The greatest hope I have for these weekly “thoughts” is to have them be a springboard for further study on your part. Not to be a weekly treatise to be blindly accepted. So, please read them with this intent, this motive in mind).
This week’s lesson from “The Adult Sabbath School Guide” is titled “Satan and His Allies”. And so we look once again at the Roman Catholic Church from 538 AD to 1798 AD. The 1260 days/ years; the times time and half a time (3.5 years = 1260 days/ years); the 42 month = 1260 days/ years… all these years which characterize the “Christian” religious-political system of the “Dark Ages”. A system that attempted to merge the pure Holy self-sacrificing gospel, with man’s base self-serving desires. A merging that merely rendered the gospel impotent and created a satanic picture of our Holy God. This system is surely the system depicted by the Sea-Beast of Revelation 13 (read the lesson for Sabbath, Sunday and Monday). Remember, this is an indictment of the SYSTEM!!! Not an indictment of the innocent conscientious worshippers of God who sincerely follow the teaching of the promoters of that false system.
We sinners so like to group people into nice, neat definitions. Usually grouped by some label. It is part of the sinfulness of man who refuses to see each as an individual. As such, we label people based on some perceived generality. We must stop this immediately. Even as we study this week about the Sea-beast and the Land-beast we can be so, so guilty of generalizing and of prejudice. Christ never grouped people nor generalized. He took each as an individual… saw each as an individual child of God. This must be our watch-word, too. Satan and the self-centered sin he inspires is not confined to any group. Sin is everywhere. And not just in the “world”.
We sometimes think that Satan works best in the “world”. But Satan’s most artful deceptions are found in the church. Even in our beloved SDA Church. Satan wants to be Christ. He wants the worship that belongs to Christ. And Satan knows Christ. Therefore, Satan impersonates Christ. Especially in the body of believers that worships Christ. Satan’s most artful deceptions are found in the churches, not in the “world”. And he does this by appealing to “self”. To our self-aggrandizement or our self-preservation. For such is the nature of sin. “Self” first! We selfish sinners like a “god” that does not hold each of us accountable for themselves (who says, “I, God, assume responsibility for your sinfulness and pay the ‘penalty’ for your sin”). We like a “god” whose definition of “believe” is a mere verbal assent (so that we need only say the words “I believe” and then go live our lives as best we can… or any way we feel). We like a “god” who only needs “forgiven” stamped across each sin (not one who expects us to leave our life of sin). And we love a “god” who gives us an eternal life of retirement (not the real eternal life of selfless loving). Yes, we sinners so love the “god” Satan depicts. We so love to follow the “god” Satan proclaims. Not the real God, who will never forgive sin (He forgives you), but purges sin. “To sin, wherever found, ‘our God is a consuming fire’. Hebrews 12:29. In all who submit to His power the Spirit of God will consume sin. But if men cling to sin, they become identified with it. Then the glory of God, which destroys sin, must destroy them” (Desire of Ages pg. 107). Our God will not negotiate with sin, will not overlook sin, and will not forgive sin… HE CONSUMES SIN! Not the kind of “god” soft-peddled from most Christian pulpits. Our true Father-God is passionate, jealous, pursuing and will not stop until we are every whit clean… if we will. His love is grand and glorious, holding us to the highest ideals and holding us responsible for turning our back on our sin. He has made every provision for us leaving our sin. Never holding us captive to past sins, but ever holding us responsible to leave our lives of sin.
As we study this week, let us realize that the evil of the Medieval Church is but the outward manifestation that lurks in every person’s own heart. The sin of being “god” over our own selves… and over others if we could. Of determining what godliness is to ourselves… and to others if we could. The Sea-best and the Land-beast are but manifestations of every person’s heart. And let us never ever tread upon another person’s God-given personhood. God values each and will not tread upon them. Let us follow our Lord and Master.
With brotherly love,